
UFO / Flying Saucer Organisations

From Kook Science

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Our selection of Ufo / Flying Saucer Organisations is a joint sub-project of Ufology and Arcane Societies. The list(s) below are for reference in research; all red links are desired articles.

Selection of Groups, Clubs, etc. active 1957-'59

Derived from indexes included in issues of Gabriel Green's "Thy Kingdom Come"; for reference use.
Group Organ Contact Addr.
"B" Cell Laboratory John C. Brown Lemoore, California
Aerial Phenomena Investigations Society Bob Barry 168 1/2 N. Union St., Olean, N.Y.
Aerial Phenomena Research Group APRG Reporter Robert J. Gribble 5108 Findlay St., Seattle 18, Washington
Aerial Phenomena Research Organization of Barstow 730 Nancy Ave., Barstow, California
Aerial Phenomenon Research Organization A.P.R.O. Bulletin Coral E. Lorenzen 1712 Van Court, Alamogordo, New Mexico
Akron UFO Research Association Joseph Hollendorfer 372 South Maple at Five Points, Akron 2, Ohio
Akualele Research Group Akualele Research Group Bulletin Riley Crabb P.O. 1513, Honolulu, Hawaii
Antarctica Development Interests Cooperative Advantages and Spacecraft News John H. Leabo P.O. Box 417, Port Angeles, Washington
Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers 1203 N. Alameda St., Las Cruces, New Mexico
Astrophysical Club of Theoretical Sciences 925 Duncan Ave., Chambersburg, Penna.
Barber Scientific Foundation Adam D. Barber P.O. Box 3254, Washington 10, D.C.
Baton Rouge UFO Forum John d'Aquin 4955 Blue Bonnet Road, Baton Rouge, La.
Bay City Study Club 444 River Road, Lagoon Beach, Bay City, Michigan
Borderland Sciences Research Associates Round Robin Meade Layne 3524 Adams Ave., San Diego 16, Calif.
British Flying Saucer Bureau E. L. Plunkett 71 Chedworth Road, Horfield, Bristol 7, England
Buck's Flying Saucer Club Buck Nelson Buck's Mountain View Ranch, Route 1, Mountain View, Missouri
Buddhist UFO Research Center Robert Ernst Dickhoff 520 W. 162nd St., New York 32, N.Y.
Bureau of UFO Research & Analysis William G. Woods P.O. Box 175, Old Chelsea Sta., New York 11, N.Y.
Celestial Vehicle Investigation Committee 19751 Malvern Road, Shaker Heights 22, Ohio
Centro de Investigação Civil dos Objetos Aéreos Não Identificados Húlvio Brant Aleixo Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Christ Brotherhood, Inc. The Search Lighter Ray E. Barnes P.O. Box 368, Joshua Tree, Calif.
Civil Commission of Aerial Phenomena Bill Jones 293 S. Sylvan St., Columbus 4, Ohio
Civilian Saucer Intelligence of New York CSI News Letter Lex Mebane 245 W. 104 St., Apt. 8-B, New York 25, N.Y.
Civilian Saucer Investigation of New Zealand Flying Saucers Harold H. Fulton Box 72, Onehunga S.E. 5, Auckland, New Zealand
Civilian Saucer Researchers Charles R. Capote 658 Waypark Ave., Uniondale, N.Y.
Cleveland U.F.O. Society Virginia Dooley 10817 Lee Ave., Cleveland 6, Ohio
College of Universal Wisdom Proceedings George W. Van Tassel Box 419, Yucca Valley, California
Comisión Observadora de Objetos Voladores No Identificados Ariel Ciro Rietta Casila de Correo 2560, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cosmic Circle of Fellowship William Ferguson 1400 Massachusetts Ave., N. W., Washington 5, D.C.
Cosmic Research Club Mary Speckels 5114 E. 21st Place, Tulsa, Okla.
Cosmic U.F.O. Investigation Center U.F.O. Hotwire Roger Pierce Box 8938, Strongsville 36, Ohio
Cup and Saucer Club The Roundhouse Milton Nothdurft First Methodist Church, 310 W. Maple St., Maquoketa, Iowa
Detroit Flying Saucer Club Henry Maday 6432 Cass Ave., Detroit 2, Michigan
Detroit Tape and Research Library Robert S. Johnson 9427 Stone St., Detroit, Mich.
Fellowship of Golden Illumination Golden Light Eugene H. Drake 1014 S. Lake St., Los Angeles 6, California
Flint Interplanetary Light & Study Group Amanda Hicks 2608 Sloan Street, Flint, Michigan
Florence Interplanetary Study Group Love With Understanding, The Universal Key Doris E. Buckley Box 125, Florence, Oregon
Flying Saucer Club James Fortner 1216 W. Sevier St., Benton, Arkansas
Flying Saucer Club of Mexico Mrs. Julio Vinser Santa Rosalia 38, Coyoacan 21, Mexico
Flying Saucer Headquarters, Center of the World Dorothy L. Orrison 1226 "H" St., N. W., Washington 5, D.C.
Flying Saucer Investigators 10 James St., Claudelands, Hamilton, New Zealand
Flying Saucer News Club Flying Saucer News James S. Rigberg 1472 Broadway, Room 612, New York 36, N.Y.
Flying Saucer Research Center The Flying Saucer Auriphebo B. Simões 8449 Sao Paulo, Brazil
Flying Saucer Research Club Elvira Cleary 1065 Marion, Benton Harbor, Mich.
Flying Saucer Research Group Yusuke Matsumura P.O. Box 18, Yokohama, Japan
Flying Saucers International Saucers Max B. Miller P.O. Box 35034, Los Angeles 35, California
Flying Saucers Investigators Club 21 Maungakeikei Ave., One Tree Hill, Auckland, N.Z.
Flying Saucers, Inc. The Saucers Report Ronald G. Garver R.D. #2, Box 264, Wooster, Ohio
Fontana Spacecraft Group Trudy Allen 11056 Sierra, Fontana, California
Grand Rapids Flying Saucer Club U-FORUM Arthur Gibson 1221 Philadelphia S.E., Grand Rapids, Michigan
Grants Pass UFO Club Aleta O. Johnston 2225 Allen Creek Road, Grants Pass, Oregon
Graupner Study Group & UFO Researchers Fred Graupner 6388 Dakota Ave., Birmingham, Michigan
Ground Saucer Watch Bill Spaulding; Ted Starrett 181 Talbot Drive, Bedford, Ohio
Hamilton Flying Saucer Investigative Society 164 River Road, Claudelands, Hamilton, N.Z.
Horizons Unlimited Yvonne Cravens 2804 NW 43rd, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Inter-Continental Aerial Research Foundation Wallace Jordan 102 W. Scott St., Milwaukee 4, Wisconsin
International Association of Flying Saucer Clubs Darold Powers 601 Melrose, Iowa City, Iowa
International Federation of Saucer Clubs Flying Saucers and Mysticism P.O. Box 1538, New York 1, N.Y.
International Lunar Society H. Percy Wilkins 35 Fairlawn Ave., Bexleyheath, Kent, England
International UFO Investigation Center Kent H. Bittell 11215 Snow Road, Cleveland 30, Ohio
Interplanetary Fellowship Interplanetary Bulletin William W. Suther, Jr. 1810 N. 5th Ave., Melrose Park, lllinois
Interplanetary Foundation The IF Newsletter 1014 Longfellow, Royal Oak, Michigan
Interplanetary Intelligence of Unidentified Flying Objects Hayden Hewes 2726 N.W. 34th St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Interplanetary Investigation Study Group Z. A. Kapag 301 College Ave., Swarthmore, Penna.
Interplanetary Space Patrol Club Jim Lee 620 Cedar St., Abilene, Texas
Interplanetary Space Seeker Society of Philadelphia Alfred R. Smith 915 Church Lane., Yeadon, Penna.
Jet Propulsion Lab UFO Club Barbara Mathewson Calif. Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena 3, Calif.
Junior Skywatch of the Americas Suite #46, 1316 New Hampshire Ave., Washington 6, D.C.
Kalamazoo Flying Saucer Study Group K.F.S.S.G. Bulletin Earle Wm. Maier 630 Marion Ave., Kalamazoo, Michigan
Kansas City Interplanetary Study Group Arthur H. Campbell 4314 Warwick Blvd., Kansas City, Missouri
Long Beach Interplanetary Research Group Ernie Riley 1245 E. 8th St., Long Beach, California
Long Beach U.F.O. Research Society Robert W. Anderson 807 Cerritos Ave., Long Beach, California
Los Angeles Interplanetary Study Groups Thy Kingdom Come Gabriel Green 2004 N. Hoover St., Los Angeles 27, California
Marion County Sky Observers Mrs. Robert Wheeler Box 194, Inverness, Calif.
Medford Interplanetary Study Center Alice Cook 435 N. Holly, Medford, Oregon
Michigan Flying Saucer Federation John H. Brinson 1407 N. Burdick, Kalamazoo, Michigan
National Association for the Investigation of Interplanetary Aircraft Philip A. LaFollette 1445 Park Drive, Munster, Indiana
National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena Donald E. Keyhoe 1536 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington 6, D.C.
New York Saucer Information Bureau UFO-MATION Douglas Deane P.O. Box 26, Planetarium Sta., New York 24, N.Y.
New Zealand Interplanetary Society 55 Tedder Ave., Christ Church, New Zealand
North Jersey U.F.O. Group UFO Newsletter Lee R. Munsick P.O. Box 606, Morristown, New Jersey
Oakdale Golden Light Study Center Mary Spivas 1022 Lakedale Court, Chicago 13, Illinois
Ontario Golden Light Study Center Dorothy L. Laidlaw 1023 Riverside Drive, East, Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Orange County Space Club Dorothy E. Harper 736 N. Cambridge St., Orange, Calif.
Outer Space Saucers Intelligence Bureau W. J. Brower 167 Madison Ave., Clifton, N.J.
Outer Space Study Club Kathryn L. Watson 766 Water St., Port Huron, Michigan
Pacific Lemurian Society Spacecraft Digest W. Gordon Allen P.O. Box 768, Salem, Oregon
Palm Springs Space Club Eloise Adams 373 S. Palm Canyon, Palm Springs, California
Paradise Interplanetary Study Group Dixie E. Garrett P.O. Box 321, Paradise, Calif.
Paradise Space-Craft Research Group Evah Edwards 307 Pearson Road, Paradise, Calif.
Parapsychology and Saucer Investigation Jonas Kover P.O. Box 1538, G.P.O., New York 1, N.Y.
Physical Sciences Investigations Morris K. Jessup 407 International Bldg., Washington, D.C.
Portland Golden Light Study Group E. Celeste Landen 702 Swetland Bldg., 510 S. W. 5th, Portland, Oregon
Portland Research Associates James E. Ewart, Jr. P.O. Box 548, Portland, Oregon
Prince George Flying Saucer Club Pat Patterson R.R. 1, Prince George, B. C., Canada
Project Antares UFOlogy News Meredith V. Gorman Fort Worth 10, Texas
Project Saucer Committee (YMCA Senior Astronomy Club) Richard McNamara; George Fawcett Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Pyramid Church of Truth and Light Space Messages J. R. Kingham 326 S. Atlantic, Alhambra, Calif.
Quennell Study Group & Research Center Eunice Quennell 26045 Rangemore Drive, Detroit 19, Michigan
Research Study Group Louise & Elwood Morse 9405 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Springs, Maryland
Rochester Saucerian Research Center Saucer Review and Abstracts Samuel J. Ciurca, Jr. 155 Third St., Rochester 5, N.Y.
Saginaw UFO Club Joseph L. Wagner 515 N. 3rd St., Saginaw 12, Michigan
San Jose Cosmic Observers Ethel Palm 40 E. William St., San Jose 12, California
Sanctilean University “Sanctilean” P.O. Box 1688, Coolidge, Arizona
Sanctuary of Thought Truman Bethurum P.O. Box 1028, Prescott, Arizona
Santa Barbara Interplanetary Study Group Mat. J. Baker 223 E. Figueroa, Santa Barbara, California
Saucer Phenomena and Celestial Enquiry Joseph Barbieri 19 E. Ave., West Haven 16, Conn.
Seattle Golden Light Study Center Ami Alfreda Hosch 7002 31st St., S. W., Seattle 6, Washington
Soulcraft Fellowship Valor Magazine William Pelley Box 192, Noblesville, Indiana
Spokane Golden Light Study Center Paula Hilpert 1924 W. Dean St., Spokane, Wash.
Study Group on Interplanetary Relations The Visitor Don Wysocki 14315 Haggerty Road, Belleville, Michigan
Tape Recorded UFO Information Service Adolph G. Dittmar; Henry M. Henriksen
U.F.O. Research Organization 1309 Forest Glen Drive, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
UFO Investigation Center Andrew Tomas 227 Bay St., Brighton Le Sands, N.S.W., Australia
Understanding, Inc. Understanding Daniel W. Fry 11376 Frankmont, El Monte, California
Universal Fellowship Marke A. Norman 1928 Oak Bay Ave., Victoria, B.C., Canada
Vancouver Flying Saucer Club Herb D. Clark G.P.O. Box 650, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Waukegan Contact Group W.C.G. Research Bulletin Floyd Castator 2135 Hyde Park, Waukegan, Illinois
White Lodge, the Angelus Eloise Mellor Box 464, Del Mar, Calif.
World Interplanetary Association Le Courrier Interplanetaire Alfred Nahon 25 Avenue Denantou, Lausanne, Switzerland

