
Nicolai Klimii Iter Subterraneum (1741 novel)

From Kook Science

Nicolai Klimii Iter Subterraneum
Author Ludvig Holberg
Pub. date 1741
Language Latin
Subject Satirical chthonic journey

Nicolai Klimii Iter Subterraneum (English: Niels Klim's Journey Under the Ground or Niels Klim's Underground Travels) is a 1741 Latin-language novel by Ludvig Holberg, a Dano-Norwegian author, in which the eponymous Nicolai "Niels" Klim stumbles into the underworld of Nazar through a cave near the Norwegian city of Bergen, and comes to briefly reside in the states of Potu and Quama, before ultimately returning to the surface world.


in English