

From Kook Science

Toonijuk is an Inuit exonym for a peoples supposed to have been indigenous to the Arctic regions, particularly Baffin Island and northern Greenland. These toonijuk are ascribed characteristics consistent with some crypto-hominids, including hairiness and great length of limbs, and were supposed to have displeasing habits.


  • Scherman, Katharine (1956), "The Toonijuk", Spring on an Arctic Island, Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., p. 153-168 

    (p. 157-158.)

    "The Toonijuk were not Eskimos and no one is sure of who they were or what was their final fate. They are said by the Eskimos to have been very large, and possessed of some queer and disgusting habits. They liked to eat rotten meat, and the women would tuck the meat into their clothing, to be made fetid by the warmth of their bodies. Not knowing how to cure skins, they would wet the hide of caribou and wrap it around their bare bodies in order to dry it. Their beds were made of skins that had neither been cleaned nor stretched. When a man had a severe headache a hole would be drilled through his skull, from which blood and matter oozed."