Category:Motionless Earth
From Kook Science
Our collection of materials on the speculation that the Earth is the motionless central foci of the cosmos, including the many theories as to the form and nature of our Motionless Earth, and the interesting authors (or public proponents) of such theories. (This material may be linked to the conception of the Earth as flat, insofar as such hypotheses claim the Earth is flat and motionless.)
Unbeweglichkeit der Erde, Herr Dr. Schöpfer
- Der Erdball und seine Naturwunder: Populäres Handbuch der physischen Geographie, Berlin: Hempel, 1855, p. 161,, "In dem Jahre 1853 besand sich hier in Berlin ein Herr Dr. Schöpfer, der trotz Kopernikus und Galilei öffentliche Vorträge über die Unbeweglichkeit der Erde, die Drehung der Sonne und Gestirne e hielt. Es giebt nichts so Unsinniges was nicht ein Mensch irgendwo oder wann einmal behauptet und vertheidigt hätte." — ("In 1853 there was a Dr Schöpfer here in Berlin who, despite Copernicus and Galileo, held public lectures on the immobility of the earth, and the rotation of the sun and stars.")
- "Definite Conclusions of Science — Our Earth Motionless: A Popular Lecture Proving That Our Globe Neither Rotates Upon its Axis Nor Around the Sun — Delivered at Berlin by Dr. Shœpfer", Scientific American Supplement (121): 1925-1927, 1878-04-27, — (Translated by Madame Blavatsky, F.T.S.)
Pages in category "Motionless Earth"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.