
Planets of indeterminate existence

From Kook Science

Being a cataloguing of planets whose existence has been claimed, but are as yet unproved, having not been located and observed by any means of conventional astronomical calculation and observation (and omitting remote viewing or other forms of ESP).

Endo-Solar Planets

(Or, planets that exist within the solar system containing Earth.)

Planet Location Source Year Notes
Etraa or Ejii "somewhere out beyond Jupiter" Elgar Brom - -
Clarion - Truman Bethurum - -
Maldec an orbit between Mars and Jupiter Wesley H. Bateman - Destroyed "fifth" planet; became the Main Asteroid Belt.
Maldek an orbit between Mars and Jupiter - - Destroyed "fifth" planet; became the Main Asteroid Belt. Also known as Lucifer in some sources.
Phaeton an orbit between Mars and Jupiter Heinrich W. M. Olbers - Destroyed planet; became the Main Asteroid Belt.
Vulcan an orbit between Mercury and the Sun Urbain Le Verrier - -

Extra-Solar Planets

Planet Star/System Constellation Source Year Notes
Acali - - Antonio Tasca - -
Acart - - Artur Berlet - Described as being 5 light years from Earth; the nearest known stars in that range are Alpha Centauri A/B (4.4)
Erra Taygeta / Plejares - Billy Meier - Plejares is described as being 500 light years from Earth and 80 light years from the Pleiades, existing in some manner of time-shifted dimension with access to our spacetime through an unidentified star in the Pleiades open star cluster of the constellation Taurus
Gato Sirius Canis Major Marke A. Norman - The binary star Sirius is approx. 8.6 light years from Earth
Hercólubus Tilo - V. M. Rabolú - -
Iarga - - Stefan Denaerde (Adriaan C. M. Beers) - Described as 10 light years from Earth, approx. distance of known stars Ross 154 (Sagittarius) and Ross 248 (Andromeda)
Itibi Ra II - - Ludwig Pallman - Described as being a "quasar unit" in proximity to the galactic centre of the Milky Way
Kazik - - Albert K. Bender - -
Korendor Korena Boötes Bob Renaud - The star Korena was described as being 400 light years from Earth, 3° from Arcturus "on a line between Arcturus and the centre of the M-3 cluster."
Lanulos - - Woodrow Derenberger - Described as 14.6 light years from Earth, approx. distance of known star TZ Arietis / L1159-16 (Aries); Derenberger related it was in a galaxy known as Ganymede
Lokukatapakadikong - - Cherd Chuensamnaun - -
Meteon Alpha Centauri Centaurus Elizabeth Klarer - -
Orean - - Frank Buckshot Standing Horse - -
Serpo Zeta Reticuli Reticulum - - -
TaoPao Sirius Canis Major Paul Wellmer - Per Weekly World News
Titania - - Pier Fortunato Zanfretta - Sometimes spelled "Teetonia"; described as being located in "la terza galassia" ("the third galaxy")
Tythan - - Lee Childers (a.k.a. Prince Neosom) - Described as 8.5 light years from Earth, approx. distance of known stars Lalande 21185 (Ursa Major) and Sirius (Canis Major)
Ummo Wolf 424 Virgo Antonio Riberia - The binary red dwarf star system Wolf 424 is approx. 14.2 light years from Earth.
Zingomar Altair Aquila Grant Wallace - -