
Electronic Reactions of Abrams (ERA)

From Kook Science

The Electronic Reactions of Abrams (ERA) is a system, devised by Albert Abrams, for the electronic measurement of the "vibratory rates" of physical entities, particularly those of healthy and diseased living bodies, and the utilisation of these rates to effect cures in diseased patients by exposing them to corrective "vibrations" through the use of electrical instruments such as Abrams's Oscilloclast. The essential theoretical basis for the ERA system holds that "physiologic phenomena are manifestations of electronic energy" and "pathologic phenomena are manifestations of perturbed energy," and that such manifestations are possessed of "invariable and definite rate[s] of vibration (determinable by the electronic reactions)," and thus the best course of action for a physician is to simply alter the "vibrations" of an ailing patient to induce a cure, where the "rates corresponding to the diseases are utilized for their destruction."[1]

Regarding the efficacy of pharmaceutical drugs, Abrams adhered to Samuel Hahnemann's theory of like-curing-like (similia similibus curentur), holding that "specific drugs possess a like vibratory rate as the diseases for which they are effective." Taking such drugs was not encouraged, however, as Abrams denied that "drug action is dependent on direct cellular contact," the substances being efficacious purely in consequence of "their inherent radioactivity," and that direct application of the "hemovibrations" (vibratory rates of drugs) instrumentally was entirely preferable.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 "The Oscilloclast", The Propaganda for Reform in Proprietary Medicines (AMA): 474, 1922