
Kickapoo Indian Oil

From Kook Science

Kickapoo Indian Oil
Kickapoo Indian Oil.jpg

Advertising sketch of Kickapoo Indian Oil

Medical Claims Pain relief for rheumatism, neuralgia, aches, sprains, bruises, inflammations
Vendors Kickapoo Indian Medicine Company

Kickapoo Indian Oil was a liniment produced by the Kickapoo Indian Medicine Company, promoted as a general pain relief agent for nervous and inflammatory conditions.


According to several sources, Kickapoo Indian Oil was a rebranded version of E. H. Flagg's formula for "Flagg's Instant Relief", which he had briefly peddled with John E. Healy and "Texas Charley" Bigelow, the founders of the Kickapoo Medicine Co.[1][2]

One published formula for Indian Oil includes: "Camphor, Myrrh, Capsicum, Oil of Cloves, Oil Sassafras, Sulphric Ether, Water, Opium 1½"0 of one grain, and alcohol 60%".[3] Another in Oleson's "Secret nostrums and systems of medicine" (1903), citing "New Idea", provides the basic formula as: "Camphor, ½ oz. troy.; Oil turpentine, 1 fl. dr.; Oil peppermint, ½ fl. dr.; Oil wintergreen, ½ fl. dr.; Tinct. capsicum, ½ fl. oz.; Alcohol sufficient to make, 1 pt."[4]


  1. Hoolihan, Christopher (2008). An Annotated Catalogue of the Edward C. Atwater Collection of American Popular Medicine and Health Reform (3rd ed.). University Rochester Press. p. 337.  (Entry under S-529. "HEALY AND BIGELOW", briefly details the association between Flagg and the duo.)
  2. McNamara, Brooks (1995). Step Right Up. Univ. Press of Mississippi. p. 75.  (statement that Flagg's Instant Relief was the basis for Kickapoo Indian Oil)
  3. "The Kickapoo Indian Medicine Company". Digger Odell. 1998. Retrieved 24 February 2014. 
  4. Oleson, Charles W. (1903). Secret nostrums and systems of medicine: a book of formulas (10 ed.). Chicago, Ill.: Oleson & Co.. p. 101.  (Entry for "Kickapoo Indian Oil")