
Według Ericha von Dänikena (comic)

From Kook Science

Według Ericha von Dänikena

Cover of issue #3, Polish ed.
Writer(s) Arnold Mostowicz, Alfred Górny
Illustrator(s) Bogusław Polch
Publisher Econ Verlag; Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza (KAW)
First issue 1978
Final issue 1982
Country West Germany; Poland
Language German; Polish

Die Götter aus dem All (English: "Gods from Outer Space"), or Według Ericha von Dänikena (English: "According to Erich von Däniken"), is an eight issue comic book series, first published in German between 1978-1982, and republished in Polish between 1982-1990, featuring stories based on the claims of Swiss ufologist Erich von Däniken, author of "Chariots of the Gods?" (1968) and other books about ancient astronauts. The series was illustrated, coloured, and lettered by Polish illustrator Bogusław Polch, and written by Polish authors Arnold Mostowicz and Alfred Górny.


Econ Verlag (German)

  1. "Landung in den Anden" (1978) ["Landing in the Andes"]
  2. "Atlantis - Experimente mit Menschen und Monstern" (1978) ["Atlantis - Experiments with Humans and Monsters"]
  3. "Krieg der Feuerwagen - Report einer Invasion" (1978) ["War Chariots of Fire - Report of an Invasion"]
  4. "Revolte der Titanen" (1978) ["Revolt of the Titans"]
  5. "Der Untergang von Atlantis - Die Rache der Götter" (1978) ["The Fall of Atlantis - The Vengeance of the Gods"]
  6. "Als Sodom und Gomorrha starben" (1978) ["As Sodom and Gomorrah Died"]
  7. "Das Geheimnis der Pyramide" (1982) ["The Secret of the Pyramid"]
  8. "Als die Sonne still stand" (1982) ["As the Sun Stood Still"]

KAW (Polish)

  1. "Lądowanie w Andach" (1982) ["Landing in the Andes"]
  2. "Ludzie i Potwory" (1984) ["People and Monsters"]
  3. "Walka O Planetę" (1985) ["Fight the Planet"]
  4. "Bunt Olbrzymów" (1986) ["Rise of the Giants"]
  5. "Zagłada Wielkiej Wyspy" (1987) ["The Destruction of the Great Island"]
  6. "Planeta Pod Kontrolą" (1990) ["Planet Under Control"]
  7. "Tajemnica Piramidy" (1990) ["The Mystery of the Pyramids"]
  8. "Ostatni Rozkaz" (1990) ["The Last Command"]

Other Translations

The series has been translated into over twelve languages by a variety of publishers, including an English edition of the first four issues through Methuen Children's Books (UK) in 1978.
