マインドシーカー (1989 video game)
From Kook Science
マインドシーカー (English: "Mind Seeker") is a Japanese-language video game intended for psychic training that was developed by Namcot (Namco) and released for Nintendo's Family Computer system in 1989. The game play revolves around various mini-game exercises that are supposed to allow the player to develop extra-sensory perception under the tutelage of one Esper Kiyota, a character based on Masuaki Kiyota (清田 益章), a Japanese psychic who performed spoon-bending acts (in the vein of Uri Geller) and telephotography, projecting mental images onto photo film (comparable to Ted Serios).
- 『マインドシーカー』1989年/ファミコン, gamemanual.midnightmeattrain.com, https://gamemanual.midnightmeattrain.com/entry/%E3%83%9E%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%82%B7%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AB%E3%83%BC — image scans of game manual
- マインドシーカー, geocities.jp/frnyanko/setsumei, https://web.archive.org/web/20120710054153/https://www.geocities.jp/frnyanko/setsumei/famicom/mindseeker/mindseeker.html — text transcript of game manual with screenshots
- ナムコご乱心!? FC『マインドシーカー』エンディングまで【マルカツ!レトロゲーム】, youtube.com/@marukaturetrogames, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OccRtt-pwuI — a play-through of the game