
Kobaïen (constructed language)

From Kook Science

Kobaïen (Kobaïan) is a constructed language, devised beginning in 1969 by French composer and drummer Christian Vander, who has extensively utilised the language in the lyrical composition of music performed by his prog-rock zeuhl band Magma. The language has been transcribed in the Latin alphabet with frequent use of diacritical marks, while the spoken form has been described as essentially incantational with comparisons made to contemporary Germanic, Slavic, and Latin speech, and the language on the whole features frequent instants of onomatopoeia.

Kobaïan-language Records

  • Magma (1970), Magma  — also released under the title Kobaïa
  • Magma (1971), 1001° Centigrades 
  • Magma (1973), Mëkanïk Dëstruktïẁ Kömmandöh  — "Destructive Mechanical Commando"
  • Magma (1974), Ẁurdah Ïtah  — "Dead Earth"
  • Magma (1974), Köhntarkösz 
  • Magma (1976), Üdü Ẁüdü 
  • Magma (1978), Attahk 
  • Magma (1984), Merci 
  • Magma (1989), Mekanïk Kommandöh  — "Mechanical Commando"
  • Magma (2004), K.A (Köhntarkösz Anteria) 
  • Magma (2009), Ëmëhntëhtt-Ré 
  • Magma (2012), Félicité Thösz 
  • Magma (2014), Rïah Sahïltaahk 
  • Magma (2015), Šlaǧ Tanƶ 
  • Magma (2019), Zëss  — "Master" / "Maître"

Kobaïen to French & English

Kobaïen Français English
andaksik déverser to pour (out), spill (out); to pour (into), flow (into)
archïw archive archive
antsik demander to ask (for), request
blüm peuple people
bradïa parler to speak, talk
bünder pilier pillar
brus racine root
da la, le, les the
de de of, from
du of the, from the
destruktïw destructeur destructive; destroyer, shatterer
deuhl inonder inundate, flood
dewa arbre tree
di la, le (?) the
dihhël vie life, living
dindol spectre ghost; spectrum
dö, döel tu you
doïa pas (négation) not (negation)
dondaï ange de vérité angel of truth
dewëlëss étendue extent, scope, expanse
dreïak hypocrisie hypocrisy
drest éclater to burst, erupt, explode
dros de of, from
dün cœur heart
dusz ton your
eden sans without
egeulsik cycle cycle
egeun pauvre poor
ëk qui, que, qu' that, which; who, whom
ëktah héros (le) heroes (the)
ëmgalaï apocalypse apocalypse
essi mer sea
etnah hérédité heredity
falt sueur sweat, perspiration
fennh lames blades
flöë fille girl
fu un, une a, an
à, au at
fuh à at
funërarïum funérarium funeral
fur pour for
furwolt tandis while, whilst
fuẁest avive swift
ğensünk compassion (je compatis) compassion
geun pauvre poor
glao sang blood
gorkeulhzennh convulsion convulsion
hamtaahk haine hate, hatred
hamtaï, hamataï salut, salutation, saluer greeting, greetings, to greet
hell, hel vie life, living
heldesz goutte droplet
hindits péniblement painfully
hiẁeusz veine vein
hoï un (1) a
host abois (aboyer) bark (to bark, bay, cry)
hür ! salut à toi ! greetings to you!
hummahn humain human
hündin infini infinite
hurt premier first
inwa attendre to wait (for)
ïnstaï constante constant
is comme like
ïtah terre earth, land
kahnt chants songs
kalain passion passion
klawiehr claviers keyboard, keypad
kobaia éternel eternal, everlasting
kommandöh commando commando
korusz chorus chorus
kosmïk univers universe
krematöhm crématoire crematory, crematorium
lëm bruit noise
lëmworitstëm sombrer to sink (into)
lah air air
lantsëm spectre spectre, ghost
lantsei s'échapper to escape, elude
lidenté fortune fortune
lihns pluie rain
linsinh translucide translucent
loff perd (perdre) lost (to lose)
lohessi s'étirer to prolong, stretch out
loï assoiffé thirsty
lud il he
luszt perler to bead, pearl
mëm en, dans in
malaẁëlëkaahm incantation incantation
manëh ensemble together
mekanïk mécanique mechanical
meletsi parfum perfume
mennh fumet fume (odour)
met dessus, au-dessus above
meurhdëk vengeance vengeance (revenge)
meurhdëm venger revenge
muss sève sap (of a plant); vital essence
muzïk musique music
nansei jamais never
noszfeuhl interminable endless, interminable
otsilennhetë imaginaire, imagination imaginary, imagination
rait, raïtah brasier, brûler conflagration, inferno; to burn
reugh mange eat
rinstë prisonnier prisoner
rogh écorce bark (as of a tree, plant)
rownah purge purge, purgation
rugh broie (broyer) crushed, ground (to crush, grind)
runhdê imperturbable imperturbable, unflappable
saaht angoisse anguish
setnait sein breast, bosom
seẁolaẁen silence silence
sinowi échine spine, spinal column
sïrï cri cry, scream, shout
slibenli flot flow
s'noszfeulh interminable interminable, endless, unending
soïa nuit night
soẁïleï débile stupid, defective
sruhditt hurle howl, yell
stöht miroir mirror
stauhi cendres ashes
steuh vers toward
straïn déchirer to tear
strowis forgea (he/she/it) forged, falsified
süms rien nothing
s'hündin infini infinite
sünh est, être is, to be
sünk sort (destin) fate (destiny)
sürra pur pure
tendiwa âme soul
theusz temps time
triwen flétrir to wither
tüdüwan menteur liar, mendacious
ud son (possessif) his/hers/its (possessive)
üd se, son himself/herself/itself, his/hers/its
übea fruit fruit
umennh respirer to breathe
ümdëm océan ocean
undazir vision vision
udenstaï dépourvu deprived
ünsaï passe past
urfakt dernier last, previous
urwa violence violence
uz et and
walomendêm univers universe
warreï pourquoi why
weulh vagues wave
wlasik pardon pardon (as in “beg your pardon”, “excuse me”); apologies, sorry
wöl de, depuis from, since
wurdah mort death, dead
wurdin néant nothingness, nothing, nil
zain cerveau brain
zanka soleil sun
zess maître master
zeuhl musique céleste, musique des forces de l'univers ou puissance de l'esprit celestial music, music of the forces of the universe or power of the spirit
zort hargne foul mood, aggressiveness
zunh son sound
zur toi you