
Eta Concentrated Foods

From Kook Science

The Eta Company, Inc.
Formation c. 193-
Dissolution c. 194-
Headquarters Chicago, Illinois
Key people Willis G. Sheeman,
Elizabeth G. Bartosch

Eta Concentrated Foods was a line of dehydrated food products, each promoted as a curative for various physical ailments and general well-being, based on Willis G. Sheeman's system of self-improvement called "Brain Power Supreme," and manufactured by Chicago-based The Eta Company, Inc.

Eta Concentrated Foods product line

Product Name Claim[1] Contains
Eta Food Sodium Improve digestion, prevent fermentation of food, increase will power, eliminate carbon dioxide, remove acid and waste, "alkalinize nerves and clear the brain"
Eta Food Potassium Build and reconstruct muscles, make motor nerves function properly, help to assimulate fate, gain weight, multiply body cells, cause the growth of muscles and tissues, alkalize the blood, increase power of resistance, increase pep, courage and magnetism
Eta Food Magnesium Convert acid into a neutral salt, calm the nerves, stimulate bowel action, aid in increasing weight, prevent acid stomach, catarrhal discharges, over­heated blood, dry and torpid bowels, fainting spells, jerky nerves, backache, stringy-mucus, greasy hair, acne pimples, itching blisters, noxious acids, gases and toxins, soothe the sexual instinct and promote sleep.
Eta Food Iron Prevent trembling spells, shooting pains, disturbed blood pressure, will renew strength, cause a youthful appearance, increase popularity and fas­­cination of women, make men strong and courageous, and promote enthusiasm and cheerfulness.
Eta Food Chlorin Promote the elimination of water from the body, remove impurities, germs and pus, make tissues dense­ and elastic, exclude water, fat and carbohydrates from tissues and increase the strength of the voice
Eta Food Phosphorous Improve nutrition of nerves and tissues, strengthen bones and teeth and increase red corpuscles
Eta Food Silicon Make the blood warmer, muscles firmer, increase growth of hair, prevent ovarian and menstrual trouble, increase endurance of elderly people, improve eyesight, hair and complexion, free the nasal canals permitting discharge of phlegm and mucus, and cause catarrh, headaches and disturbance of the brain, and colds, to disappear
Eta Food Fluorin Provide material for feeding teeth enamel, work against tubercular, syphilitic, and vaccine pus formation, prevent spinal diseases and brain trouble
Eta Food Sulphur Prevent jerky nerves, fitful moods, fussy notions, panting for air in warm rooms, tired eyelids, flushes of heat, sudden indigestion, lame fingers, partial closure of the throat, tension in the neck with restlessness and headache, dryness of skin
Eta Food Calcium Improve the nerves, prevent tooth decay, has a beneficial effect upon ulcers, infection, eczema nd psoriasis, skin diseases
Eta Food Iodine Neutralize[s] toxins, cause skin eruptions, pimples, sores, ulcers and unsightly blemishes to clear up quickly, disintegrate fat, reduce bodily weight, preserve the tint of nails, complexion, hair, beauty of the eyes, eyelashes and brows, strengthen nerves, make the mind more alert, [and users] will never suffer from goiter, scrofula, nervous ailments, defective bone metabolism, and blood and skin diseases
Eta Food Manganese Possesses antiseptic and germicidal properties, will counteract body acids and toxic products, increase power of body purification, hinder the development of cancerous growths in the membranes, linings and organs, toughen and harden the linings of the heart, bones cranium, membranes surrounding the viscera, the abdominal cavity and joint structures
Etalax One of the surest and safest and most effective means of flushing the intestinal tract of impurities, strengthening the intestinal muscles, will give new power to and tone up the entire eliminative system
Eta Food No. 26 Nourishes and builds up eye structure and possesses the positive power to improve eyesight, will enable one to "lay off" glasses for good
Eta Food #2 Give food elements to the cell structures and give strength to the functions of generation, and benefit in cases of sexual debility
Eta Food #3 Give food elements to the cell structures and give strength to the functions of generation, and benefit in cases of sexual debility
Etagland Food Male Give food elements to the cell structures and give strength to the functions of generation, and benefit in cases of sexual debility
Etagland Food Female Give food elements to the cell structures and give strength to the functions of generation, and benefit in cases of sexual debility

